Omslag till Listening to Sophie

Listening to Sophie

Olle Lindholm

Publicerad: 2008

Språk: engelska

Sidantal: 74

Format: 14,6x20,6 mm

Utförande: limbunden

ISBN: 978-91-633-2083-5

Olle Lindholm
Loviselundsvägen 135
165 70 Hässelby

Telefon: 08-38 03 02

Sophie a young girl, is about to discover the true meaning of life as she stumbles upon a homeless man. Together they set off on a magical journey, exploring the power of human goodness. At the same time Sophie must deal with an absent mother and brother, a distracted father and fear of losing her best friend. Olle Lindholm was born in Sweden. He got the idea to this book as he was visiting his sister in Australia.