Omslag till Looking for my life

Looking for my life

Das Prapujaka

Publicerad: 2016

Genre: Filosofi & Religion

Språk: engelska

Sidantal: 266

Format: 140x206 mm

Utförande: limbunden

ISBN: 978-91-639-2340-1

Per Jäderstrand
Elsa Birgers väg 10
Box 5031

Per Jäderstrand (Prapujaka Das), föreläsare, författare, är sedan 43 år praktiserande hindu tillhörande Krishna Gandiya Vaishnava-traditionen.

Looking For My Life is a self-experienced openhearted story of a man’s intensive search for his true identity and place in life.
 The writer portrays with moving lucidity his tough upbringing in the 50s and 60s, under a violent and abusive father, which left him with deep wounds and made him into a rebellious, yet fragile boy. During high school Per gets interested in social issues and he passionately engages himself in politics related to the extreme left wing.
 After a few years studying at University and some Art schools, he starts to question the “conventional” traditional “way of life” and turns to existential literature for answers. Unhappy and disappointed with life he also experiments with various drugs for a period of time.
 In the early 70s, Per comes across The Hippie Counter Culture Movement and is profoundly affected by its ideas. He becomes a vegetarian and absorbs himself fully in the study of Indian philosophy and religion.
 Per’s strong fascination with Indian culture finally makes him embark on a journey alone to India in the summer of -73, travelling overland along "The Hippie Trail", in order to, as he writes in a farewell letter to his art-teacher, “Find a Guru who can give me knowledge of God and the soul”. 
 The book is a fascinating piece of history that gives us an insight into what it was like to grow up as a young boy in a tumultuous political time where radical leftist ideas were mixed with influences of the hippie culture.